Should your project require multi-color printing, halftones, registration, or any other art specifics, please let us know and we will do our best to keep the integrity of your artwork or logo.
GRAPHIC DESIGN: - One of our graphic artists create your design at a minimal cost. - Quotes available upon request. - Design charges will need to be approved to begin any artwork for your project. Please allow 24-48 hours for artwork. - Please allow 24-28 hours for revisions.
SUBMIT YOUR OWN VECTOR GRAPHICS: - Digital vector artwork is preferred. - Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, EPS, PDF files are accepted. - Fonts must be converted to outline paths prior to submission. - Please do not send files with linked objects. - Avoid custom spot colors, special effects fills or transparencies. - File names must contain their native file extensions.
TYPE, RULE, AND OUTLINES: - Fine serif and script type smaller that 6-8 points are not recommended. - No type should be less than 8 points. Avoid open-faced, screen tones, outlines or drop-shadow effects on fonts. - Strokes or reverse outlines less than .25 points may not print and are not recommended.
PMS COLOR MATHCING: - Most projects can use standard imprint colors at no charge. - Exact color matching is available with Pantone (PMS) Colors. - Some PMS colors can be matched closely. - Quotes available upon request